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Dhanam Events



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Dhanam Events(圖1)-速報App

Dhanam business magazine was started 30 years ago as a medium to carry news and reports about the business landscape in and outside Kerala. At a time when business journalism was unheard of, Dhanam created a niche segment and a pathway for others to follow.

Dhanam Events(圖2)-速報App

Today, Dhanam is one of Kerala’s leading media brands with a portfolio of the popular business magazine, three English publications, books in English and Malayalam on subjects related to business, an active website, and year-long summit and seminar series.

Dhanam Events(圖3)-速報App

Crossing three decades in this field, this pioneering and premium Dhanam magazine has earned a reputation for being the most comprehensive magazine in this category. This highest-circulated and widely-read business magazine reflects the corporate world, and reaches the elite and influential business houses across the country and abroad.

Dhanam Events(圖4)-速報App

The motto of the magazine is to inspire success, and it celebrates the victory of persons in business and life, and promotes entrepreneurship among Malayalis.

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A fortnightly, Dhanam has brought out special editions like Top Business Families of Kerala, Emerging 500 Small, Medium Business Leaders of Kerala, Top 100 Brands of Kerala and Top 100 Women Entrepreneurs in Kerala.

Dhanam Events(圖6)-速報App

A number of high profile events are regularly conducted by the publication which are attended by the Who’s Who of the corporate world. The annual Dhanam Business Summit and Award Nite is a prestigious gala programme where Dhanam celebrates business excellence by felicitating outstanding entrepreneurs of Malayali origin.

Here is the list of the main features of the Dhanam Event application - Dhanam Events

Digital Badge - Program Agenda - Social Wall - Speakers – Feedback - News Feed - Materials - Participants - Tweet - Contact - Chat
